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Lily & Sage Yoga
Create an enduring ripple effect.

Find your balance, cultivate curiosity to foster
your growth, and graciously share your wisdom.
Create an enduring ripple effect inspiring others to be the best version of themselves. 


Reasons topractice yoga*

"Words fail to convey the total value of yoga.

It has to be experienced."

*There are many reasons to practice yoga. The four reasons I have listed below are not inclusive.

Experiences are not the same because people are not the same. 



You will absolutely become stronger! Asana's (postures) strengthen you from head to toe. You use every muscle in the body, increasing strength while relieving muscular tension. My fav - CORE! Your core becomes insanely strong. Every posture has an aspect of core engagement. Even just practicing proper and consistent pranayama (breathwork) helps to strengthen it. I'm not talking just abs here. Your core consists of more than a 6 pack. It includes abdominal muscles, erector spinae muscles, pelvic floor muscles, and your diaphragm. Think extreme stability! 



You learn techniques to quiet the mind chatter. Our minds are so beautiful and amazing, but they can also be our worst enemy. We are constantly repeating thoughts that prevent us from reaching a state of clarity. These distractions can consist of past, present, and future experiences, self-doubt and criticism, uncertainty, among so many others! Even positive thoughts can obstruct mental clarity. Through yoga you learn to recognize these thoughts when they surface, see them with love and compassion, and then reframe them in ways that serve you. There is no judgement in yoga. It trains your brain and quiets your ego.



Through slow movement and self-awareness, you are able to respond to situations more methodically. Rather than being reactive, causing more stress or harm to yourself or others, you have the space to slowly assess situations before responding. Your reactions become neutral. Practicing yoga teaches you to harness non-attachment. You learn to do things out of joy without having expectations of what the outcome will be. When that happens, you live in the present moment. Again, you are able to put aside any emotion that you would have normally attached to that situation or experience, and you learn and grow from it.



Let's get this out of the way. Yoga is NOT a religion. It is, however, a way of turning inward and a way to deepen your own spirituality. You learn to wake up every day and feel connected to something greater than yourself. Through yoga, you learn to trust the things that you cannot see knowing that this Power will forever provide exactly what you need when you need it. You trust the practice and whatever it is teaching you that day.


"Yoga is the journey of the self, through the self, to the self."

-Bhagavad Gita

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